Savvy business people know that reaching out to the community is an investment worth making. There are several ways to do this:
Buy an ad in our Newsletter which is published bimonthly and mailed to each of our members as well as distributed to businesses throughout the Eel River valley community. We will also include it on our website!
Simply make a donation of cash, time, or goods:
The simplest, most usual help is a cash donation. Please make checks payable to: Fortuna Senior Center, 3811 Rohnerville Road, Fortuna, CA 95540
Your professional skills and talents can be used to “partner” with FSC by donating some time. Some ideas are to lead a class or workshop in your specialty, help with a special event, give a one-time talk on a topic that interests you, help with a project.
Make an “In Kind Donation” which is just as valuable as cash to FSC. It can be a donation of goods or materials such as office supplies, coffee or snacks to be enjoyed by our members, equipment or furnishings, class supplies, or anything that we may need. An “In Kind Donation” offsets the cost of purchasing them directly.
Support our events or functions.
Please call the FSC office at (707) 726-9203 to discuss these or other options.