
Senior living can be an adventure and challenging! The good news is that there are resources for navigating challenges such as health care, nutrition, housing, and transportation to name a few.

If you find yourself in need of help or information concerning life as a senior, whether for yourself or a loved one, we suggest contacting the A1AA (Area 1 Agency on Aging). They can direct you to the appropriate person or business to be most helpful.

Address: 333 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: (707) 442-9591 or (800) 408-4636

Old age ain’t no place for sissies.”
Bette Davis

Don’t be a sissy!
Acknowledge the challenges…. get help when needed….
smile…. be thankful…. & carry on!

The available senior programs were made just for us – let’s use them!